Post | december 2019 | 3 min lezen

Warme choco drinken en Nederlandse snert proeven! Nür en Jeske vertellen hoe het is om buddies te zijn.

8 maanden geleden ontmoetten Nür en Jeske elkaar voor het eerst via een buddy programma van ASKV steunpunt vluchtelingen, Nür komt uit Eritrea. Sindsdien zien zij elkaar regelmatig, maar hoe is het nou om buddies te zijn? In het kader van de feestdagen nodigden we Nür en haar beste vriendin Amina uit om warme chocomel met slagroom te drinken en echte Nederlandse 'snert' te proeven!

Fotograaf Arjan Broek ging mee en legde deze prachtige dames vast.

How did you two meet?

Nür: Through ASKV, which is an organization that helps undocumented refugees. When I came to Amsterdam, they helped me with our procedure. They also provide some courses. Anke works for ASKV and she told me about the buddy program. She asked me if I would be interested or not. At first I didn't know what the program meant. She told me; it's like having a friend. And also to learn more about The Netherlands, the Dutch culture. I was eager to learn and to know more, because it was my first time getting to know another culture. A very different culture. So that was when Anke introduced me to Jeske.

Links: Amina - Midden: Jeske - Rechts: Nür

How was the first conversation?

Nür: In my opinion it felt good. Usually I find it difficult to open up to people I don't know. It takes time for me. But when I met Jeske, I instantly thought she was nice and friendly. After that we made an appointment and she invited me to her place. We cooked together.

Jeske: That was also a really good way to explore a bit more of the Eritrean culture. I never tasted Eritrean food before and it was the best. Nür is an amazing cook. 

For how long have you been ‘buddies’ now and what have you done together since then?

Nür: We see each other for about 8 months now. We meet every 2 or 3 weeks. After Jeske and I cooked together, she visited our place. We went to a Lebanese restaurant and we ate Eritrean food. One time, me and my friend Amina prepared food for an event in Disco Dolly organized by Jeske and we danced together.

What was the thing you liked the most?

Nur: I liked all the things, but I really liked the first time we cooked together. Even though it was the first time, it really felt like we knew each other for a long time. We talked all night.

"I really liked the first time we cooked together. Even though it was the first time, it really felt like we knew each other for a long time. We talked all night."

When you get the permit, what would you like to do?

Nür: I want to do so many things. First I want to learn something. And I want to make many friends, I want to live, I want to be free. But the first thing I would do when I get the permit is visit my family. Because it’s not easy, I really miss them. I basically started a new life.

What do you love most in life? 

Nür: To have fun, enjoy time. Have friends.

Amina: Travelling. 

Nür en Amina vonden de snert lekker, maar heel vullend. Ze kregen het niet op en warme choco met slagroom hoefde niet meer... Tot het voor ze geserveerd werd, de warme choco was binnen no time op ;-)!

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